Dry Eye Diagnosis & Treatments in Sydney

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Helping You Find Real Relief From Dry Eyes

Dry eye syndrome is a debilitating and uncomfortable condition that occurs from a chronic lack of sufficient lubrication and moisture on the eyes’ surface. Without treatment, dry eye syndrome can lead to an increased risk of corneal inflammation and eye infections.

If you have dry eye syndrome, your eyes will likely feel persistently dry, scratchy, or gritty. You may also experience significant irritation if you wear contact lenses.

If you are experiencing dry, uncomfortable eyes, we want to help you find relief. At Island Eyecare, we have a wide range of diagnostic tests and technology to detect, diagnose, and treat dry eye syndrome. Our main goal is ensuring your eyes are comfortable and your vision is protected.

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Causes of Dry Eye Syndrome

Dry eye syndrome can occur due to a variety of factors, both internal and external. Hormonal changes, exposure to certain environmental conditions, some medications, and underlying health conditions can all contribute to dry, uncomfortable eyes.

The eye is lubricated by the “tear film.” The tear film is made up of 3 layers: mucus layer, the watery layer, and the oily layer. Each layer has a specific function for the tear film, so if one isn’t functioning correctly, the tear film can become out of balance and lead to dry eyes.

The mucus layer keeps the tear film fastened to the eye. The watery layer is responsible for washing away bacteria and keeping the eye lubricated. And the oily layer prevents the tear film from evaporating too quickly.

Some dry eye cases occur because tears evaporate too quickly due to a lack of meibum, which make up the oily layer. Meibum is secreted from the meibomian glands in the eye, which can become blocked. At Island Eyecare, we can perform specific tests to evaluate your tear film and test for meibomian gland dysfunction.

Other causes of dry eye syndrome include:

  • The natural ageing process
  • Prolonged exposure to air conditioning or dry heating indoors
  • Long-term contact lens wear
  • Inward (entropion) or outward-turning (ectropion) eyelids
  • Smoking
  • Eye diseases such as blepharitis or Demodex infestation

Common symptoms of dry eye syndrome include:

  • A gritty, scratchy, or burning sensation in the eye
  • Excess amounts of mucus in or around the eyes
  • Increased sensitivity to light
  • Red, irritated eyes
  • A feeling of having something stuck in your eye
  • Inability to wear contact lenses due to discomfort
  • Overly watery eyes
  • Blurred or distorted vision
  • Eye fatigue

Detecting & Diagnosing Dry Eye Syndrome

At Island Eyecare, we pride ourselves on having all the latest state-of-the-art diagnostic tools and technology to detect and identify dry eye syndrome.


Meibography is often included in every routine pretest and involves a non-invasive imaging technique to get a closer look at your meibomian glands. The images illuminate the meibomian gland structure and allow us to pinpoint if they are healthy and functioning normally.

The tear osmolarity test evaluates the quality of your tear film. The test measures your tear composition, giving us more information about what may be causing your discomfort.

Tear Meniscus

We also evaluate your eye for the presence of a tear meniscus, a thin strip of tear fluid at the upper and lower eyelid. An absence of a tear meniscus can be a significant indication of dry eye syndrome.

To test the stability of your tears, we perform a non-invasive tear break-up time assessment. This test allows us to see the quality of your tears and if the tear film layers are out of balance.

Treating Dry Eye Syndrome

We offer a wide selection of treatments for dry eyes so you can find the relief you need.

The iLux MGD Treatment Device device helps visualize treatment zones to treat blocked meibomian glands. It applies localized heat and pressure to dissolve blockages and promote normal gland function.

The E>Eye is the first medical device in the world to use intense regulated pulsed light technology to treat meibomian gland dysfunction. Specialized light pulses are applied to the meibomian glands to stimulate them and improve their function.

ZEST (Zocular Eyelid System Treatment) is an okra-infused solution applied with a sterile cotton applicator. It works by gently exfoliating the eyelids. When the eyelid margin is clean, the meibomian glands open up and help release oils into the eye that help make up a healthy tear film.

Not all treatments work for all patients, so we provide several additional dry eye treatment options at Island Eyecare. These include:

We are dedicated to helping you mitigate symptoms of dry eye syndrome and finding relief. If you have questions about dry eye syndrome or any of the treatments we offer, please give us a call.

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Keep Your Eyes Comfortable at Home

We carry various products in-store that you can take home with you to keep your eyes feeling lubricated and comfortable. During your appointment, we’ll work at home products into your treatment plan to help you mitigate your symptoms of dry eye disease.

We also conveniently offer all of our at-home products online so you can enjoy the convenience of replenishing your medications whenever you need them.

Safe Beauty For Your Eyes

At Island Eyecare, we’re focused on every part of your ocular health, even the things you might not think about! That’s why we carry a makeup line designed with your ocular health in mind.

Èyes Are The Story makes a range of optocosmetics and skincare. Their products have been uniquely formulated for sensitive eyes, contact lens users, and sufferers of dry eye and digital eye strain. 

The product formulas are based on peer-reviewed scientific research and are vegan as well as paraben-free. Safe and comfortable makeup wear is the goal, without any of the burning, stinging, or dryness that can come with mainstream makeup brands.

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Our Location in Sydney

Find us at 117 Welton Street in Sydney, Nova Scotia, on the corner of Welton Street and Spruce Street. Our office is just down from the Sydney Memorial Chapel and next to Air Liquide Canada Store. There is ample free parking in our parking lot next to the building.

Our Address

117 Welton Street
Sydney, NS B1P 5R6

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Hours of Operation

8:30 AM – 4:30 PM
9:30 AM – 4:30 PM
8:30 AM – 6:00 PM
8:30 AM – 4:30 PM
8:30 AM – 4:30 PM

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