Children's Eye Exams in Sydney

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Protecting Even the Littlest Eyes

Taking your child in for regular eye exams can play a significant role in preserving and protecting their eyesight and eye health. It’s important to know when you should bring them in and what to look for so you can help them maintain good vision throughout their life. Additionally, making sure your child visits their optometrist regularly helps instill good habits to consistently care for their health.

80% of all learning is visual. So, it’s vital to help your child maintain good vision to ensure their learning and development is unaffected. Eye exams are necessary even before your child enters school, as they are continually exploring and learning about the world around them from the moment they open their eyes.

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So When Does My Child Need an Exam?

It’s vital to have your child’s eyes regularly examined to get the care they need. If there are any signs of eye diseases or conditions during any exam, we will recommend treatment so any chances of permanent damage are minimized.

It’s also important to note that if your child has a vision problem or exhibits any risk factors like developmental delays or premature birth, they may need more frequent exams.

According to the Canadian Association of Optometrists, you should have your child’s eyes examined before they are 9 months old. This eye exam is typically very basic and will involve assessing the overall health of your child’s eyes with a red reflex test.

As your child grows, it’s important to foster good habits to improve their visual skills. Introducing toys like building blocks and reading to them will help them develop these visual skills and prepare them to read.
Have their eyes examined at least once between the ages of 2 and 5 to ensure their eyes are developing normally and treat any refractive errors.

When your child enters school, they will use their eyes frequently in learning and play. If their visual skills are lacking or impaired, they may experience difficulty keeping focus or completing schoolwork.

It’s essential to have your child’s eyes examined annually once they enter school to monitor for changes that may affect their ability to learn and participate in school.

Common Pediatric Eye Diseases

There are a few common eye diseases that often affect children and teenagers. Regular eye exams will ensure these conditions are treated promptly, which, in some cases, can minimize the risk of vision loss or permanent damage.

The most common pediatric eye diseases include:

If your child exhibits symptoms of a vision problem or you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to give us a call or book an appointment.

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Our Location in Sydney

Find us at 117 Welton Street in Sydney, Nova Scotia, on the corner of Welton Street and Spruce Street. Our office is just down from the Sydney Memorial Chapel and next to Air Liquide Canada Store. There is ample free parking in our parking lot next to the building.

Our Address

117 Welton Street
Sydney, NS B1P 5R6

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Hours of Operation

8:30 AM – 4:30 PM
9:30 AM – 4:30 PM
8:30 AM – 6:00 PM
8:30 AM – 4:30 PM
8:30 AM – 4:30 PM

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